Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blizzard Blog Candy!!!

What is blizzard blog candy you ask? Well...let me tell you. The blizzard is upon us here in Utah! It has been freezing cold and windy all day and now the snow has come; fast and furious! I am stuck here at home, my camera won't upload the photos I took of my project I have been working on so what could be better than some blog candy? Now...of course I can't actually photograph what is up for grabs, because let's face it, what would be the point if I can't get them off of my camera? LOL! Let's just say some fun stamping goodies could be yours if luck is with you. I will randomly pick a number and whichever comment coincides with that number will be the winner! yay! So let's get going! Simply tell me which stamp set you would absolutely HAVE to have if you were stuck home in a blizzard and only had one to use! Easy Peasy! I have only one stipulation; I will only ship to the U.S. Sorry! Thanks for fluttering by!


Jeanette said...

I keep hearing about your blizzard. I haven't lived there since my 30's. Stay warm and use my favorite set, SU Sincere Salutations. With DSP, ink, and embellishments I could make a card for everyone.

Leigh Ann Baird said...

One set?? That's hard! LOL I'll go with PTI's Baby Button Bits because you can use several of the images for non-baby projects.

Enjoy your blizzard! I'm jealous. I'm still wearing flip flops and my current coat is a hoodie that I wear over my t-shirt. I don't actually own a proper winter coat--it can get cold here in TN but our winters are mild overall.

Sandy said...

This is fun...no blizzard down here...in the 80s today. I'd love to have PTI Merry Little Christmas to work on during a blizzard...the blizzard being in my imagination.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Sorry you are stuck in the cold (it's coming here I hear! for Thanksgiving). I'd have to say my Penny Black critters set. Love them!

Pattie said...

Keep warm...I would say my one set would be...Verve's One Person...so many pretty things about that set!

Regina Cornelius regcorn@zoominternet.net said...

i live in western PA and went to wrok this morning this morning without a coat, which is very unseasonal for this time of year.....i can feel your blizzard :)

i would have to say the set woudl have to be stranded with is baroque motifs. i coud not let go of it.

Karen B said...

I couldn't go without Tim Holtz's Mini Muse. So much to work with and lots of variety. I would never get bored. Thanks for the chance to win. We have -9 here but no blizzard. Just blasting arctic cold. And wouldn't you know it...our boiler is on the fritz!! We are cold.

Gailanne said...

I would probably be satisfied if I was marooned with my Copic markers and PTI's Garden of Life. Stay warm!

marge said...

My most go to set is lovely as a tree....I just have to have it....

Sara said...

I'm loving PTI's Warm Happiness right now! I hope that blizzard doesn't travel too far to the east coast...not quite ready for the snow!

Mary Dawn said...

PTI damask designs, there's a sentiment for every occasion and you just can't go wrong with a nice damask

stay warm and we'll see you when you shovel out ;)

Cheri said...

Lucky you! We got 1/2" here and the kids are totally over the moon! Of course, 1/2" in W. Oregon in November is such a rarity, it really is something to get excited about! So, one stamp set? Hmmm. . .. I would say PTI's Vintage Picnic. Such a fun set to play with! Thanks for the chance to win some blizzard candy! Send the blizzard this way too, okay? :-)

sharon lynn said...

It would absolutely have to be Lovely as a Tree. I'd be lost without it. What a fun post this is!

Lilian said...

so hard to pick just one! but i would say anything from Papertrey Ink would do. Maybe the Life set. =)

stay warm!

Vickie said...

Sorry to hear you're stuck in a blizzard, yikes! Just one set? Talk about a limited supply challenge! I think I'd pick SU's Carte Postale because you can do so many different things with it. Good luck with the snow and Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Blizzar? I am shivering just thinking about it. One stamp set, wow, that is a hard one. I think I would love Button Bits by PTI. It has lots of variety and options. Or maybe a Stampin Up holiday set so I could get some Christmas cards done. Wow, this is hard......too hard! If snowed in, I guess I want to do Christmas cards...so Stampin Up but not sure the name of the set!

Kathy Martin said...

I've been on a couple blogs tonight that talk of your blizzard. Keep warm! Let's see, if I were stuck in a blizzard with one stamp set, I'd have to have my new PTI tiny treats set so I could make my cards and tags! :)

Laura said...

Yikes! A blizzard and it's not even Thanksgiving! And I was talking about moving to Miami last week when it went down to the 50s!

Stay warm and busy with your craftiness!!

Teepee said...

Sorry about your blizzard. I guess I shouldn't tell you that it's only in the 60s here in Arizona! If I did get stuck in a blizzard, I think I'd love hot cocoa, warm socks and ANYTHING in Tim Holtz's line. (He's my favorite designer.)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your weather! It does make for good stamping though!! I would have to have my Great Friend set by Verve! Love that set!!

JoAnn Williams

kat said...

Blizzard? Brr! I hate the cold; that's why I moved to Mesa, AZ last year. Still, it's too cold for me right now. My fav? Right now it would be Sassy Sentiments by AmyR at All That Scraps.

Theresa Dagostino Forge said...

Stay warm!!!! I would have to say PTS's Friendship jar set. Its my new fave!

Anonymous said...

Please, oh, please, don't send the snow to Michigan:) I really like the Lovely as a Tree stamp set (stampin up)--I always see to go to that set when stamping.

Julie M said...

Snow in November? Yikes. I hope that you stay warm & have someone with strong muscles to shovel for you.

I think that my go to stamp set right now is SU's Thoughts & Prayers. I love the little tree & making cards just to say that I'm thinking about you. I seem to pull that one out a lot lately.

Enjoy the snow. Julie M.

Nadine said...

Brrrrr, a blizzard...I can't imagine! Sending you some warmth and sunshine via the Pineapple Express, lol!

If I could only have one stamp set, I'd probably choose my Waltzingmouse's Asian Gardens cuz' it's my current fave. Disclaimer though: how in the world could I survive with just one stamp set…?

Marci said...

Unlike most people that have posted... I think being stranded at home with my family and a blizzard happening outside sounds like the perfect way to spend Thanksgiving!

As far as my one set I'd *need* to have at my side... PTI's A Wreath for All Seasons has quickly become my "go to set."

Enjoy the SNOW!!!

Connie said...

I have been hearing about your snow - keep it out west until Christmas, ok?? One stamp set I go to often is SU Simply Said. Love the flowers and sentiments in it.
thanks for the chance to share your blizzard!!!

Marisa said...

We got surprised by snow here on the West Coast last Friday - a whole 5" of it. Still here so it's sticking around. Rain is due on Friday so we'll see...

A stamp set I would love to have is anything Verve LOL! I am also drooling to get PTI's Leaf Prints set and matching dies. Thanks for the chance to win and I hope you don't have too much snow to shovel!!

Linda Nicholson said...

Hmmmmmm.....I wonder if that blizzard is on its way to COlorado? Guess I better get my last minute Thanksgiving shopping completed tomorrow fairly early.

I think that I would have to take along PTI Everyday Button Bits! Lots of cute images that can be used for all occasions. Thanks for the chance to win! Stay warm!


Michelle Single said...

One set?! Is your brain frozen???!!!! I cannot live without my adorable Cuppie sets (from Taylored Expressions), and since most are in the same box, I call them one set :). Stay warm!

GAZ said...

A set I have been wanting for quite a while is Teeny Tiny Wishes...Christ is Born is another on my wish list. Thanks for all you share on your wonderful blog. Glenda

tblue said...

71 degrees in my part of Ohio. I've seen the weather forcasts for your state. Stay safe and warm!
My favorite set to stamp with would be SU's Just Believe.
T. Blue

Chrisd said...

The blizzard is headed our way in Michigan, so much for using our fall jackets any longer I fear!
One set I love is SU Sincere Salutations. I have made so many projects from napkin rings with card scraps to cards for any occasion.

Tina said...

PTI's Enjoy the Ride is on my mind, so would have to go with that one. It would be fun to have an excuse to stay in and stamp...if it didn't last too long...8-) Hope you are hanging in there and thanks for the chance to win!

sandy said...

Oh how I miss those wonderful blizzards. REALLY, I do. I lived in Sandy, Utah for 6 years and I so miss it.Now, I'm in sunny California ;it was in the 50's today, and that's oh soooo cold for here! As far as stamping goes, it's hard to limit a favorite down to just one....how about Merry... love that hat. I also love the Santa from an unkown SU set;the SAnta has a calender on his sack &text on his coat. oops , that's 2. Thanks for all the great images. ENjoy your turkey day.

Cindy said...

This time of the year it would be Lovely as a Tree. Got to love winter in Utah, every winter I say I'm moving to Arizona.

Anonymous said...

Well...We do not have Blizzard, but will be 21 tonight with 25 mph winds and if I had to say one...SU
Heartfelt Thanks...

I hope you stay safe and warm...

Thanks for the chance of goodie...

Karen horsenroundranch@yahoo.com

Isabel Z said...

I'll send warm thoughts your way since we had an unseasonable warm day here in Northern Va. Today I would choose PTI's Vintage Ornaments if I only had one set during a blizzard. Stay warm!

slbt17 said...

right now I am so thankful that it is not snowing here - my heart goes out to you along with warm thoughts!
No way could I pick just one stamp set - but since I have not started my Christmas cards yet - I would say for the moment it would have to be Artistic Outpost's Snowy Woods since I will be using the set this year to make my cards.
Thanks for the fun!

Sharon said...

I love how pretty the snow looks, but driving in it/shoveling it and being in the cold, really stinks! I'm not sure which stamp set I would want with me if snowed in. Maybe one on my Christmas list: PTI's Button Bits!

crschaf@knology.net said...

It would have to be Tiny Treats Christmas (2010) by Papertrey! I love the little reindeer! Cele Schaffer

Jen said...

Sorry to hear you're snow-bound. I have family in UT but I am in AZ. It's a lovely day here. Without snow. :) Yes, it's true. I love my AZ winters.
Ok, one set? Really? I don't know if there is a single set I can settle on... although I have to say I'm really loving WMS Text It set. i know that sounds strange to pick a background stamp but I can handwrite a sentiment or draw a pic with a marker but recreating perfect script or typed font background, that I can't do.

Becky said...

I am so sorry you are in a blizzard but I am so thankful that it isn't here in N. C., lol! I don't have a particular favorite stamp set, however, my Penny Black stamps stay within arms reach at all times.

Lynne S in TC said...

only 1 set....hmmm, it would have to be friendship jar from PTI - if there is a way to "over" ink.....totally guilty....keep warm!

szbacn1 said...

Wow... a blizzard... lucky you? No snow here in Northeast Illinois but it is cold: 25 degrees and falling.
One of my favorite sets that I would never give up is SU's Lovely as a Tree!

Elaine M said...

The only way I could decide would be just close my eyes and grab a set - anything by PTI would make me extremely happy to work with during a blizzard. Stay warm and safe - hugs

Angel said...

Seriously that's a tough question to answer! I'd have to go w/ just about any floral Flourishes set - love 'em! Hate to tell ya, but we hit the 80s down here in TX today, ;) Hope the blizzard doesn't get too bad!!!

lisa808 said...

One stamp set in a blizzard?!?!? I would say a JRS alphabet set.

Stay warm & safe.

Donna Little said...

PTI Big and Bold Wishes would be divine! I gravitate towards image stamps, but really could use more sentiments. :o) Thanks for your generosity!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

OH MY--a blizzard! And I only get ONE stamp set??? I would say any of the Unity KOTMs...I love these sets! You can do almost anything with these stamps--coloring, paper piece, just stamping...LOVE IT:)

sbmmhoover {at} yahoo {DOT} com

Michelle said...

Hope you have some fun snowed in... wishing you warm hot chocolate & time for crafting. We're not ready for snow here just yet! I would have to pick Unity Stamp Could I Be Any Cuter...its so adorable & I just love it.

Rose said...

Wow, how scary a blizzard, only been in one and we were driving from Los Angeles to Mammoth Mountain to go skiing. There were cars and trucks all off the road. Eeks!!!

Left undisturbed to do anything I wanted I would drag out my all time favorite SU stamp set Balmy Breezes. I haven't had a chance to play with it in awhile so maybe stamping Palm Trees during a blizzard would take my mind off the cold. However, what a great time to stamp winter stuff since we don't get much a winter here. Thanks for offering blog candy, it is always fun to think about winning something fun!

MaryBB said...

I would love the PTI Big & Bold Holiday Wishes, I sure could get a load of cards completed trapped inside.

Enjoy the blizzard, we had our first snow storm of the season in MN two weekends ago. It's always a bit fun and frightening, all at the same time.

Jen Carter said...

I am NOT ready for snow yet!! LOL!

My one stamp set would have to be PTI's new Banner Builder stamp set! I just love banners and there are so many possibilities with this one!

Shannon Murdock said...

Well, right now it would have to be my new Banner Builder set since I haven't cracked it open yet!! Stay warm--we have a bit of ice & freezing temps up here in Oregon, too! No blizzard, though =)

Karinn said...

I think our snow from Nevada headed your way! We have a 1/2 foot here and the kiddos and I so much fun today playing in it. I would stamp the day away with PTI's a banner day stamp set!!

Stay warm and have fun :0)

jen said...

Hope you're staying warm!!! We had blizzard like conditions here last night- VERY unusual for western washington!!
I would probably say PTI's damask set, but it's a VERY tough decision!!!
Good luck!

val said...

Sorry about the blizzard-great toime for hot chocolate and Christmas tunes!
...My choice is a retired Stampin Up set.."Boutanicals" It has a leaf, bee, words, flowers in it --so I can do alot of occasions with it.

Dawn said...

Sorry to hear about the blizzard, I was in one once, 1978. Course I was a kid and thought it was great, no school! Hang in there.
My favorite set right now is HOTP, Edges and Borders, I am using it on practically everything.
Thanks for the awesome blog!

Peggy said...

Warm greetings to you. Blizzard! I can't even comprehend that. It is sunny and hot here in Florida. The stamps set I would use if I couldn't get out lately has been Justrite's, Thinking of you set.
God bless & have a blessed Thanksgiving,
Peggy Allen

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

We have had the strong wind and ice, but no snow yet.

It really depends on my mood. I like my file of digi images to go to and then I can just print off what mood I'm in images and create.

Unknown said...

I have to admit that I am slightly jealous of your blizzard! I am origanlly from Canada but have relocated to Texas for the year! I always loved getting storm stayed at home. I love all my stamps but could not go without my CTMH sets. Love them! Thanks for a chance to win! :)

Paula said...

Sorry to hear it's so cold for you. Keep warm!
I would have to have any of the MFT's Pure Innocence girls. I love working with them.

Dawn g. said...

Blizzard?! Sounds exciting! I love snow early in the season (until February, then im over it!). I would probably want to have either one of my Kim Hughes Christmas sets. They are so fun and cute. Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Aimee Noel said...

Ick - totally not looking forward to that coming our way here in Michigan!

One stamp set I could not live without...hmm.... It's tough, but I would have to say PTI's Blooming Button Bits!

:: Samantha KT :: said...

I would love to get my hands on PTI's Tea for Two! That way I could create little tea gift giveaways for my friends, family and co-workers! Thanks for the chance to win! S:o)

Michellem said...

My favorite set has to be the PTI Signature Greetings - if I had that and patterned paper and bling I'd be a happy girl!

Shelley C said...

Idaho is just getting over the blizzard, not it's the below zero temperatures. Makes for cozy indoor activities for Thanksgiving.

I love the PTI's Blooming Button Bits stamp set.

Jessica said...

Stampin Up Aviary, I always have fun when I use this stamp set. Tx for all the inspiration you bring!

Unknown said...

It's too cold for snow here! I am not looking forward to the day it comes.

I don't think I could possibly pick one stamp set... I have too many favorites!

Deborah Saaranen said...

Snowy days for Thanksgiving vacation--I'm certain your kids are just itching to get out in it and play!

papertrails leaver said...

Being stuck inside is the perfect crafting time to me! Except if it lingers for more than two days I start to get a little stir crazy. My favorite stamping sets are new ones I ordered from PTI last week. I did a little shopping for myself. Shhh! Don't tell on me. I ordered Dawn McVey's sets and dies! The butterfly is going as my top for now. :-) Happy creating!

Joanne Leddy said...

Blizzard!? Please don't send it my way ... I'm not ready for snow yet! My favorite set (if stuck in a blizzard) would have to be Welcome Christmas. I just love the vintage silhouettes! Thanks for asking and thanks for the opportunity to win!

Elaine A said...

No snow up in north eastern NY - yet! Stay warm and cozy. I'm not sure what one rubber stamp set I would have to have. There are so many, I have an addiction to them. But if I have to select it would be PTI's Around and About Sentiments. It has accent images, words and sentiments you can use for just about any occasion.

Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

Elaine Allen

Unknown said...

I would want PTI Friendship jars. I have just moved to NV and miss my friends this holdiay. Love to send them some goodies.

Nancy L. said...

Well, I think I would need my tree trimmings from SU! to make my Christmas cards!!

Becca said...

So it isn't really a set... but the SU Medallion stamp is really my go-to of late. I LOVE it. :)

Kelly G said...

You can keep the snow!! It will be here soon enough.
I'd say I wanted to be stranded with PTI Wreath for all Seasons!

Katie said...

I'm a fellow Utahn and enjoyed the blizzard last night as well, since I was at least home and warm and cozy. I just wish we'd gotten more snow out of it to cover up the brown a bit more!

As far as which set I'd want to be stranded with...probably the new Banner Builder set from PTI!

jillyvanilly said...

I would have to say something I could watercolor like Loads of Love. I would have to borrow it from my sister though!

Kristie H said...

Hoping you are surviving your blizzard. It brought us mostly icy cold before it made it's way east. I think my favorite set to be holed up with would be PTI's Giga Guidelines. Love the sentiments and the endless possibilities for backgrounds.

Rebekah Jennings said...

Hmmmm...I don't know the names of any stamp sets, but I love anything with cats or leaves!

Connie said...

Snow? What's that? Certainly not something we see in north Florida but about every 15 to 20 years. IF I were stranded it would more likely be from a hurricane! I would want SU Lovely As A Tree set to weather the storm


Connie said...

Snow? What's that? Certainly not something we see in north Florida but about every 15 to 20 years. IF I were stranded it would more likely be from a hurricane! I would want SU Lovely As A Tree set to weather the storm


Lisa said...

If I was stuck in a blizzard and I had to choose one set to be stuck with...it would be the Best of Cluck set for SU. I love it...it makes me laugh!!

Karen said...

I can't live without PTI's Round and Round. It has images and sentiments perfect for men and women alike. It is cold here but no blizzard. Stay warm.

Anonymous said...

Lovely as a Tree! That set is so versatile and I love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

Adoree said...

Oh my a blizzard! Living here in Hawaii that's so hard to imagine. BUT... if you're having fun inside and have a warm fire going on in the fireplace...that's great. The one set I think that I would enjoy working with during a "blizzard", would be Friendship Jar Holiday Fillers! Oh and some hot cocoa too! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! I have to go with Lovely as a Tree! Loved your card today! I live in Minnesota and we are having snow too!

Christi said...

oh, how great would it be to be snowed in with nothing to do but stamp, drink hot cider and watch Love, Actually in front of a roaring fire!
I'd use my brand new Wreath for All Seasons set from Papertrey Ink.