Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The Greetery Fresh Air Collection Day 2 {Fresh Florals and Alphabuds}

Welcome back to day 2 of reveals for the Fresh Air Collection from The Greetery! I know you all fell in love with yesterday's new products and today will be no different! Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments; you really are the best! Today's products are so much fun to work with and will blend nicely with so many of your previous purchases! Don't forget to leave a comment here today for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate to The Greetery Shop. Also, make sure to head to the other designers' blogs to see how they've used these products as well!

My first card uses the same Painterly Stripes background that I used on yesterday's cards! It won't be the last time you see it, either! LOL! The soft pink background sets the stage nicely to add the new die cut Sentiment Starters die ***please note, because of manufacturing issues and COVID-19, this die will be delayed***. There will be a few issues like this, but I will be sure to note them in my post!  I used the amazing new Alpha Alignment guide to get all of my letters straight. This will be a wonderful tool to keep on hand to make your sentiments and alphabets straight and neat.

The Sentiment Starters die is perfect to get your phrase or greeting started and then you can highlight the focus word by using the new Alphabuds: Slim stamp set and matching die collection. These are SO MUCH FUN to work with and you'll be wanting to create all kinds of sentiment specific cards with them.

Each of my cards that I created with the Alphabuds collection uses the Backer dies; these are the background pieces that have the flowers and foliage stamped on them. They also use the Slim dies; I die cut all of my letters from specialty gold paper. I also used the flowers and foliage from the stamp set, but not the actual letter stamps, if that makes sense. This is a fun collection that you can mix and match in all kinds of ways. The dies also come with the ability to die cut the individual floral/foliage sprays; you can see an example in the center of the postage stamp image in the corner. The postage stamp images are all from the previously released Pretty Postmarks stamp set and I die cut the stamps using the Pretty Postmarks die collection. I've used these quite a bit for this release!

My second card uses both the Sentiment Starters die collection as well as the Alphabuds again, but this time I paired them with the new Floral Background Rubber stamp. This is such a fun and easy way to create a beautiful floral background in any color you can imagine...or ink that you have! LOL!

I continued on with the postal theme by using the Postal Frames Die as well as the fun Signed and Sealed Stamp Set. The envelope is heat embossed in gold and then I used the coordinating Signed and Sealed die collection for the liner and envelope.

My third and final card for today takes the background up a notch by using the AMAZING new Fresh Floral Stamp, Stencil, and die. *** die delayed*** This is similar to the Easter Jubilee kit as it has both stencils and stamps to make the entire background come together!

Once I had the background made, I couldn't decide how to dress it up. The background by itself is just beautiful; I keep dreaming up more and more color combinations that I can't wait to try! I tried to use minimal products to allow a lot of the background to show. In the end, I chose to use the Alphabuds and the Sentiment Starters dies once again.

I stamped the Speed Tagging Christmas Rubber Stamp and then die cut it using the coordinating Speed Tagging Christmas Rubber Stamp dies. I just love how wonderfully it pairs with this new background collection. I also used the smallest die from the Nordic Frames dies to "ground" the tag. 

Well, this concludes the reveals for day 2. I hope you've enjoyed what I've shared today! Please join me again tomorrow for the 3rd and final day of the countdown! You're gonna love it! Thanks for fluttering by!


tycodmom said...

I am a sucker for blue and yellow. The alphas in gold. Spectacular cards.

Tanja said...

Love the letters in gold, great cards.

Jess said...

Omg wow I am speechless.... so stunningly beautiful cards I love the way you used the envelope with the letters...

Stephanie Clapper said...

I love that you mixed previous collections together! Your cards are gorgeous, I especially love your gold letters and the pink striped background! (Wink, wink!)

Lori B said...

Oh my, it's wonderful how you mixed the previous releases with this new one. Love everything you make, simply fabulous!

Poppyseed Vintage said...

The gold is stunning! ~Francie

Melanie Ann MacKenzie said...

Brilliant cards....absolutely brilliant!

Pamela Levingston said...

You card with Print Shop: Fresh Floral Stamp + Stencil set is so pretty.

Annette Snyder said...

I love the new alphabet!! Beautiful cards!

Rachel W. said...

love all your ideas and cards

Donna said...

Love your cards Kelly (as always). The background stamp/stencil is just beautiful, & your letters in gold add so much. Lovely!

Isabel Z said...

Stunning creations!

Anonymous said...

The fresh florals are just beautiful. There seem to be a lot of ways to use them.
Carol b

Mary Holshouser said...

Love the use of the postage stamp
to make the cards look like letters.
The vivid blue is fantastic (my
fave color). Wonderful projects.
thanks for sharing

uncbballfan said...

Gorgeous cards and I love how you've used elements from previous releases!

Marilyn M said...

Gorgeous cards, Kelly!

Barb Kirkwood said...

love your color choices. Your cards always bring joy.

Miriam Prantner said...

These projects are just beautiful! I'm in love with Fresh Florals, and I adore your portrait oriented card, love how you combined those dies to create a really unique and stunning card!

Hannah Mize said...

I love how you combined with the older set. Works perfectly!

Karen Day said...

I love the touches of gold, and how you've mixed in previously released products. SO pretty!

Mary Jo Stew said...

Great cards. I like to see the use of the older dies/stamps.

jan metcalf said...

So beautiful, so creative Kelly!

buzzn2scrap said...

Just Gorgeous ! Love how you used the older products with the Fresh Florals !

Lisa Petrella said...

Your sample projects are absolutely GORGEOUS!!! So many beautiful details!!! This new release looks amazing!

Susan Beauchaine said...

Pretty cards. Love the yellow and blue!

MadeByMeghanK said...

I love your layers! The gold sentiments are beautiful! Great colors!

Melissa Sibert said...

Love your cards, Kelly. So bright and cheery and creative.

Jan Elmore said...

The options are endless....the designs are phenomenal and the art is amazing! Mix and matching is the key!

Denise Bryant said...

Gorgeous cards! Love the pretty details and the color combos you used! The floral designs are just beautiful, and I love the sentiments!

Conniecrafter said...

Loving those sweet florals with the letters, the envelopes are so cute!

Luanne said...

I’m excited for those Sentiment Starter dies! The look wonderful and your fabulous cards!

BarbaraB said...

All your cards are gorgeous!!!
Love the blue/yellow color combo!
And the use of the floral Speed Tag Christmas stamp goes perfectly with this set.

Mutzy Mia said...

This is such a fun they all are! Your cards are lovely and it was nice seeing them pared with the former postal items released. They all coordinate so nicely together. Thanks for all your inspiration.

Pauline T. said...

Oh, that alphabet with the gold letters! I just love it! So pretty.

Joanna said...

Great cards. I love anything with a postal theme...

Patti H. said...

Absolutely gorgeous creations, Kelly! Love all the awesome designs especially! I now have a very long wish list with both new & older items on it! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration!

Marie said...

Love all the cards Kelly. Can't wait for this release as you have me very excited to use these new products.

Kailash said...

The layering on your cards is simply stunning, love!

Mirella said...

Wowza, these are absolutely amazing! Love them all!

Pam said...

Wonderful creations, Kelly. Thanks for sharing!

Kate said...

Love how you paired the new products with some older ones. Great cards!

Lin said...

Beautiful work - I love the bright blues and the gold highlights!

Wanda Cullen said...

My jaw is on the floor...again! Gorgeous florals and I'm loving those tall letters!

michelle in mi said...

Really enjoy how you are combining older & new sets for different ideas!

Karen M said...

Really love how you combined the postage sets with the florals. Really expands the usefulness of the sets!

Rachael B said...

Flowers, flowers, flowers!

Anneleise said...

Stunning cards! Amazing.

Judy Stiles said...

Beautiful cards … love the Printshop Florals package!

Eve N said...

Love your cards! Not only have you shown off the beauty of the new release, but you showed me ways to coordinate with some of the items I bought from the last release.

Heike said...

Your cards are stunning!

Leslie said...

Your cards are gorgeous! I love the bright blue!

Jayell said...

Love the blue and yellow combination. Great cards!

Anonymous said...

I love how you mixed the new flowers and letters with the postmark sets, so beautiful!

Sue D said...

Pretty flowers and colors and I like the skinny alphabet letters.

Anne B said...

Love your colour combinations, Kelly. Such a great release and fabulous cards!

Heather said...

That gold really pops - so pretty!

Marcia Hill said...

These are ALL so pretty Kelly and I am especially taken with all the blue in your cards, which surprises me as I'm usually not a blue fan...your cards with the blue however are FABULOUS! Love the blue tag too!! :0)

Cyndi said...

Beautiful, colorful cards. Love the Fresh Florals set.

Karen said...

Beautiful cards! That's such a gorgeous alphabet, and the background stamp is stunning!

Nandini said...

The inspiration cards are just stunning! I am in love with the new alpha and floral sets. They are fantastic!

Marsha S said...

Wonderful cards! Love the blue and yellow together!

ESUE said...

Great cards. Love the blue and yellow with the gold. So pretty.

Allie said...

Those gold letters are SO stunning, Kelly! Beautiful cards!

Lisa Schenck ( said...

Kelly, these cards are spectacular!!!

Sandy C said...

Such stunning cards with vibrant colors! Thanks for sharing.

paperplay said...

So much going on in your cards with beautiful colors. I love the gold slim letters.

Colleen said...

I am loving these cards, the stencil are so much to play again made magnificent cards to inspire us to buy the whole collection!

Helen F. said...

Gorgeous cards, Kelly! I really love the designs you created by mixing the different stamp/die sets. Always a fresh and innovative look to your creations. :-)

SavedbyGrace said...

Wow!! Love the blues and splashes of yellows. Love the "postal" accents !!

Natasha said...

OOh! Loving the blue and yellow card! All are of course stunning, but that one really popped for me!

Pauline said...

Beautiful! Love the gold letttering and your wonderful colour combinations! The blue and yellow is stunning!

blaze said...

Kelly, you are just so clever!. Love the blue, love the mix of old and new, love the tiny little sweet bouquets. Your work is simply amazing!

Sharon said...

Love the postal accents from previous products, and love the touches of gold!

Connie said...

Fantastic cards, Kelly. Really enjoy your color choices! I love the style of the word and letters dies. All going on my wish list!

Melissa Leftrick said...

So pretty and colorful!! Thank you for sharing!

Macimbalo said...

Beautiful use of the new stamps and dies - so creative and fun!

Mary-Anne V said...

I am just loving these new alphabet dies...such pretty cards.

TLady said...

I KNEW that floral stamp would look WONDERFUL IN BLUE!!! ;) AND I also LOVE the different sets you've used with your cards Kelly! GORGEOUS WORK!!! ;)<3

Linda Hahn said...

You used my favorite color combination...yellow and blue... on your cards! And I love the pop of gold! Your cards are so beautiful and they always inspire me! They also inspire me to want to buy everything in the release!

TracyK said...

Love these cards with the florals!

Carolyn J said...

Lose the use of Pretty Postmarks with the cards. Beautiful!

Dawn Y. said...

Kelly, your cards are absolutely beautiful! It’s such fun to study each one to savor all of the details! šŸ’—

Sue McRae said...

Love all the details on your thank you note, it's simply wonderful!

Huntress said...

All of your floral cards are so bright and elegant. I was this whole release. Beautiful ♥️

Dawn Y. said...

Oh, Kelly! I adore your cards. Pretty Postmarks and Alphabuds make a perfect pair! šŸ’—

Ms. Tamp said...

Interesting layers.

Kris said...

I LOVE those backer dies! Just mail me your card!,,,,,,,lovely.

Stebbins Family said...

What stunning gold and then paired with pink or yellow/blue! Lovely cards.

Andreea Raghina said...

Your gold letter have like šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ simply GORGEOUS and so inspiring ❤️

see mary stamp said...

Your projects are such a beautiful blending of the new products with the previously released Postal items. Wonderful!

Colleen said...

The cards are very pretty, love this release

JMN said...

Absolutely beautiful cards, love the colors and love this new release.

Jewel said...

Love the post card look!

Anonymous said...

Your cards are so bright and spring like. What a breath of fresh air!

Kathy Mc said...

Such beautiful cards, Kelly, and love how you combined so many of Betsy’s products together. She’s a genius! Your blues, yellow, pops of gold are spot on. Lovely designs!

Linda C said...

Your cards are absolutely stunning. I especially like the blue and yellow combo.

Rema DeLeeuw said...

Lovely cards and colors!

Papercrafts by Cindyellen said...

What I like best about these cards is that they look like little envelopes. That's kind of a neat thing. Really different.

Larissa Heskett said...

WOW!! Simply STUNNING!! I just LOVE this Set and ALL of the Possibilities!! THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!!

Amy C. said...

I really love the postage stamp card you created. It's so beautiful!

Janelle said...

Wonderful cards! Blue and yellow and flowers and envelopes and GOLD WORDS. Good Job!