Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Little Cutie

I am so glad that so many of you enjoyed my box from yesterday! Many of you requested a template, which I will post soon! ETA: I finally got the template ready. You can view it at the bottom of yesterday's post Here!!!
Today's card started out as an attempt at the Mojo Monday sketch, but didn't end up that way. I will have to give it another try later. My friend needs a baby boy card, so I jumped at the chance. I love making baby cards. I used "Nursery Necessities" which is one of my favorite baby sets. I stamped the boat three times and then cut each piece out and popped them up with dimensionals. I was thrilled to be able to use a little Pacific Point ink. For those of you who follow my blog, you know how Pacific Point challenged I am. Now I just need to start using my barely touched Tangerine Tango. Isn't it sad that these colors will soon be retiring and I haven't even used some of them?

I had already glued quite a bit of this card before I realized how much it needed a little stitching. I was too lazy to pull everything off and re-thread my machine, though!

All of the DSP is from the retired "Muirfield" collection, which I love. One of the main reasons I bought it was because it had Pacific Point in it and I thought that it would help force me to use it. I also used some buttons from my stash and Kiwi Kiss satin ribbon.

I had fun making it and hope my friend likes it. She has also asked me to make a Birthday Card, so I will be sharing that as soon as I get it made.

Thanks for fluttering by!

Stamps: Nursery Necessities
Ink: Pacific Point, Kiwi Kiss, Baja Breeze
Paper: PTI Vintage Cream, Muirfield DSP
Accessories: Buttons, Linen Thread,
Stampin' Dimensionals
Kiwi Kiss Double Sided Satin Ribbon,
corner rounder


Dawn Easton said...

Love it Kelly! It's so cute!!! LOL I'm glad you are going to do a tutorial for that box...I didn't want to ask ;)Can't wait to see it!

Tricia said...

Oh, this is fabulous! Love it!! The colors are so great together and it looks so clean and well thought out. TFS!!

Debbie Olson said...

Totally Fabulous,Kelly! I love the colors, layout, embellishments--everything! I hear you on the unused colors--I ordered the whole package last year, and I think I've used a few pieces from three papers, and only two ink pads. :-( I will miss Kiwi Kiss though--it goes perfectly with the Cosmo Cricket Office Girl papers!

Amy Rohl said...

You work magic with NN and the Murfield DSP! In fact, you pretty much make everything look magic; I'd love to see your wand sometime, wink!

Loved the box yesterday too even though I think I forgot to stop long enough to leave a comment...I was buzzing so fast to OEX to finally order that set but then I decided to procrastinate some more and save my money. I have too many other sets that need to be inked up!

Deborah Saaranen said...

So fresh and sweet! What a perfect baby boy design!

anya said...

What great colors! I love this card and all its little 'compartments'.. I see a pink/purple color combo with flowers or something! TFS!

Tanya said...

this is sooo adorable!! I love all the little bits you add!

Jenn in GA said...

WOW! i really am impressed by how many pieces of DSP you incorporated into this one card! and it doesn't look overdone at all...

i'd love to see what you could do with a card for a girl using that same set. i think it works well for boys cards, but not for girls. i'm still waiting for the perfect baby set to come from SU!

thanks for the inspiration!

Connie M. said...

This is just so sweet, Kelly! Love the colors and your mix of papers!

~Lori Roop said...

How sweetly darling! I love it!!

Cynthia M said...

Oh my Kelly! What a lucky friend you have! You are so good to her!!!!!!! This is just so over-the-top darling with all the panels and the different mix of DP you used and all the details with everything so balanced and in the right place. I don't know how you do it everytime!!! You are just amazing!!!

Christi Flores said...

Wow this is fantastic!! I love the colors!!

Julee (Vervegirl) said...

This is adorable, Kelly! I love the colors!

Lisa Brown said...

Aw, Kelly! This is precious! Love the colors and that DSP! Beautiful work as usual!

Kimberly's Krafts said...

LOVE this card Kelly! Soooo cutie and Love the DP! Awesome job!! :)

Paola said...

It's spectacular! It's one of the best boy cars I've seen.

ChristineCreations said...

I always love what you do with this set! And that paper was made for you, I feel so sad it's not still current.

Angie Tieman said...

Wow! This is fantabulous!

Cindy Major said...

I really wish I had bought those papers while they were still available - especially after seeing this fabulous card!! I have the admit I have just started to use my Pacific Point more regularly myself. I liked the color, I just didn't know what to match it with! Getting the Sunshine Morning papers helped me ease into it.

It won't be the first year that I am starting to really get the hang of using the InColors just as they retire... I wonder what the next ones will be.

Thanks for sharing your wonderful baby card! :D
