This will probably be my last "Halloweeny" post, since Halloween is in 2 days! I haven't really posted much to do with Halloween since I don't send out Halloween cards anymore. I used to send them out to the family each year, but I haven't for quite a while. I decided to be prepared and get the treats for my kid's teachers done early this year, so I sat down last week and put these "genie bags" together in a snap. I used the same paper and concept that I used on my SPOOKY banner; why reinvent the wheel?

I couldn't find any of the Jack-O-Lantern buttons that I used on my banner, so I picked up some pumpkin buttons and sponged a bit of black StazOn ink onto them to give them a more spooky feel. They looked to bright and well...pumpkiny before the treatment! LOL! I waited to photograph them until they were filled with fun and yummy treats. I have a habit of tying the bows on things to take the picture, and then I have to untie them to fill them up.

Also, I know I won't shut up about football, but our boys won again and are headed to the Mini-Bowl on Saturday!!!!! A team from our city hasn't competed in the Mini-Bowl for 15 years! We are so excited, yet nervous all at the same time. The team we will be playing hasn't lost a game this year, either, so we feel we are well matched and this will be our hardest competition!!! I decided to post a few pictures from last week's game. I haven't been posting many pictures of my son this year and I really am a proud Mama!

Like I mentioned last week, the end of football has such a bittersweetness to it. I sat looking at his gear strewn around his room and actually felt sad that this would be the last week I would have to "deal" with it. I complain about it a lot, especially to him, but I really am really proud of the accomplishments he has made this season. It does take a lot of dedication, energy and time and I am really happy that he made the commitment this year.

Thanks for fluttering by!
P.S. Thanks for all of your sweet comments about my baby and all of your advice. I really do appreciate it! My glucose test came back normal! Yay! Also, someone left a comment about how I adhered the micro-beads to my card on Saturday and it they fall off. No, they don't. I applied a thin layer of Martha Stewart liquid glue and then dipped the edges into the beads. Once the glue hardens, a few will fall off if they didn't get enough glue, but the ones that are in glue are stuck! Hope that helps!