I used this month's SFYTT sketch and some left over Graphic 45 paper from this project. I had just enough to get the three cards done with a few scraps to spare. This month's sketch is sponsored by Your NExt Stamp and I think you still have time to take advantage of the 10 percent off sale. Check my last post for more info! I chose to use "Teacher's Apple" from PTI. It is the perfect set to have on hand when you have little ones going to school. I have used it every year since I bought it and have loved having it!

Everything is pretty straightforward, but I did use some super thin cork paper for the scallop around the focal image. It is super easy to punch and I love it. All of the buttons and ribbon are from PTI as well. I hope you get a chance to play this month; you still have a few days left.
The construction projects are taking much longer than expected. The sheetrock is all done in the bedroom, but it still needs to be taped and mudded (that doesn't sound right)painted, electrical finished, carpeted and then the fun part; moving all of my son's stuff downstairs! I can't even begin to work on the baby's room until all of that is done! This baby is coming whether we are ready or not! I am feeling great right now despite a big belly that makes it hard to bend over. We have had a ton of rain so the temperatures have stayed cool which has been a benefit for a pregnant gal! Once the heat hits, I think I will swell up like I did with Emma. Once all of the construction is done, my son is moved and the baby's room is done, I can focus on getting my space put together. Right now my crafting is on the "way" back burner. Thanks for fluttering by!