The bows worked up quickly; much quicker than I thought they would. I wasn't sure about how many I needed to make. At Emma's last dance class I counted the girls and there was only ten including Emma. I asked Emma and she was certain that there were 12 girls. By the time I was done, I only had made 11 with the three spools of ribbon I had bought, so I kept my fingers crossed. In the end, I had two left over! One for Emma and one for her friend! I decided to give Emma's student teacher something different, since I thought she was a bit too old to be wearing a polka-dot bow!

I used some paper from The Paper Studio (found at Hobby Lobby) that I thought looked cute with the bows. I also used a stamp that my Mom got me a few years ago. It worked out nicely for the tag. I just added a little bit more detail to it. Each snowflake had the same color button on it as the bow inside. I didn't know if I would give them choices or not, so I needed a way of knowing which color was inside. In the end, Emma just randomly passed them out, which probably was best anyway so no one got their feelings hurt if they didn't get the color they wanted.
My husband was called away urgently Monday morning to Chicago, so I have been a single mom all week trying to get Christmas done, homework done as well as all of the other daily routine. I had to take half of Rockwell's basketball team to the Utah Jazz game on Monday with a baby in tow as well as Emma. Can you say stressed out? We had quite a few commitments this week which ended up needing to be cancelled. My stamping time was zero until I got around to getting this project done. He is home safely now and we are all enjoying Daddy time. Emma has her dance recital tonight. She looks adorable in her costume! I can't wait! Thanks for fluttering by!