Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A note of thanks color challenge

I wouldn't even want to venture a guess at how long it has been since I have participated in a color challenge. I just know it has been a really long time. I decided to change up my daily routine a bit and sit down and stamp as soon as the kids left for school. I usually feel this impending need to get the house all put together for the day and such, but I have found that this, in all reality, could and does take me all day and then I never get a chance to do the things that I really want to do. I think laundry, dishes, bed making, etc. is the Stay At Home Mom's version of "Going Postal"! I always think to myself, "didn't I just do this?". LOL! I guess it is every woman's version whether you stay home or not, because it needs to be done regardless.

So...the colors for today are Chocolate Chip, Real Red, and Kraft. Easy peasy. I chose to use a retired "Simply Sent" kit for my images; simple delights. I used a different sentiment even though I love the ones that come with that set. I am in serious need of some thank you cards to send out since my birthday. I am a little behind. While I was at Michael's the other day picking up some adhesive, I spied these silver gem stickers that ended up in my basket. I thought they were a nice addition to give it some shine. In the end I think this card wound up looking a little like a western burlesque girl; soooooo not the look I was going for. Oh well.... I had fun anyway.

As I mentioned last week, my son had his first football game of the season on Saturday. I felt bad for the team since it was so stinking hot. This Saturday is looking to be 95 degrees, which is cooler than last, but still hot to be wearing all of those heavy pads, uniform and helmet. My computer ate the photos I had with my son in them, but I still thought that this picture of the partial line up was cute. I think my son as well as all the players pictured would probably die if they knew I just used the word "cute" to describe them. Anyway, they ended up winning 33-0. My son had a fumble recovery and ran about 8 yards before he was tackled. He said that he was so nervous he was running the wrong way. LOL!

My daughter had her first day of dance yesterday. She gave me this totally cheeser smile, but is such a cutie, I guess I can forgive her. I took Ballet growing up and it has been my desire for her to try it as well. I finally found the perfect studio that caters to Classical Ballet and so I know she will get good training. Anyway...I guess I have been rambling. Thank you so much for all of your sweet comments on yesterday's post. Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. adorable pictures. I love your card- nice to see a lovely color combination challenge. TFS

  2. I love this card. I love the old western style anyway. Great color combo too. I think it would be fun to play along.
    Great pictures of the kiddos. I just love being a mom and having all the cool things to share with your kids.

  3. My goodness..I can relate to your what "must" be done story even though my kiddos are grown and gone...still beds to be made, cooking cleaning, dogwalking,baking, weeding, laundry...so little time for playing...but you spent your time well. One gorgeous creation...missed this in the gallery!

  4. I love this card! I didn't think burlesque, I immediately thought Elegant French!

  5. love the card and those colors so pretty
    great pics of the kids

  6. Love the kiddo pix, and your "going postal" thoughts--you are sooo right. So happy that you got your priorities straight and put you/your stamping first on this one. It's just lovely!

  7. Just got my check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn filling out paid surveys at home...

    So I show them a video of myself getting paid over $500 for participating in paid surveys.


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