Saturday, August 17, 2013

Welcome Home!

It has officially been a week since our family moved into our new home.  It has been super crazy, super stressful and super busy!!! I am sure you have all been wondering where I have been, but between putting our house up for sale, having it sell within the week and trying to find a new one, pack and move, I haven't had a spare second for blogging.  I still have lots of designs to share with you, but haven't had time. I am super excited because I have a new creative space. It will be the last thing I get set up since I have 4 kids, a husband and a baby on the way, but I can't wait to set it up and get crafty!  I look forward to a new season of crafting in my new space! Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. so happy that everything is falling into place for your family! It's a lot of work but what a blessing for you and yours!
    Ad K.

  2. You sound so happy! Yeah for your crazy busy, happy life. Enjoy!

  3. Wow! So happy that you were able to sell your home that fast! I was wondering where you were but glad to know all is well. And a new crafting space! Yay!

  4. Congratulations on the new home and it is great to see you back!! Whne is the baby due?

  5. So pleased to hear from you Kelly and know that all is well. I hope you and your family will have many happy years in your new home. God bless.

  6. It's good to know where you've been and I'm glad that all is well. Miss your blogging :)


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