Sunday, March 24, 2013

Hello You!

 Here is the third design that I have been working on! I am in the middle of design #4 and feeling like I am on track to get them all done!  I found this paper at Hobby Lobby the other day and knew it would make a great card. I didn't have a firm idea about how I would use it, but I knew it could be cute. I've had this card that I was supposed to send out a long time ago just lying around, so I decided to use the same layout and everything. I changed the sentiment, though.  I did post it on my blog, but it was so long ago and the papers really change the feel that I decided I would still post this one.
 I thought the "Trendy Trees" stamp set and coordinating die worked nicely with the papers. Out of the bunch,  I decided to show you this particular card, because I like the button that I found to use. I only had one, so the rest just have round buttons, but this one is super cute.  This card is mostly about the paper since there is so little stamping.
 As you can see from this detail shot that I really struggle lining up this particular image with it's coordinating die. I almost didn't use it for that reason alone.  I did however end up by liking some of the white showing through to give it some extra detail. They all aren't this bad, but I had to show you this one because of the button! LOL! I chose the sentiment because I thought it would be versatile, just like the one on my last post. I want the recipient to get the most out of her card set and feel like it meets her needs.
Again, I am really struggling with my photos looking nice on blogger. They look so much nicer before I get them uploaded. I really don't know how to fix it. Any ideas?  They just look super washed out.  Anyway, thanks for fluttering by! The next card will be something masculine, so stay tuned!


  1. I think they are very pretty and they don't look washed out.

  2. I love these cards! And now I need this stamp and die set! Some hoe I missed the fact that the dies cut out the
    Iittle leaves etc! I think it looks fine the way they are stamped!


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