Monday, March 11, 2013

Cutie Patootie!

As you may have noticed from my some of my earlier posts, I have been working on a lot of baby gifts.  I usually am making them totally last minute and usually the day of the baby shower.  This one was no exception and unfortunately that means the card is the last thing to get thrown together. As you can see, the card is very simple, but there are a few details that I liked, so I thought I would share.  If you want to view the entire gift ensemble, you can see it   here   I am very limited in my baby sets, which I just remedied by buying a couple more from PTI.

I usually end up by using "baby button bits".  I wanted to keep the card within the color scheme of the gift ensemble, but I didn't have the "right" paper. I quickly took some of the fabric that I was working with and copied it on my printer. It was easy, fast and perfect to bring the whole thing together. I also made a little fabric flower that I used in my sewing to add to the card as well to make it all coordinate.
Even though I had to throw the card together last minute, I think it looks cute with all of the things that I made.  So...if you are ever in a bind for cute paper, but you have great fabric, just copy it!!!  I have been doing this for years, especially back when Rockwell was a baby. I wanted the paper to coordinate in his scrapbooks with his clothes, so I just copied his actual clothes.  Crazy, but fun!  Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. What I said about the ensemble and...this card is OUT OF THE PARK adorable!!!!

    Oh my goodness Kelly! I want to have a baby just so I can get one of these ensembles! LOL No, Seriously! Everything is soo perfect and adorable and...oh my goodness cute!!!! XOXOXO

  2. Really cute Kelly. Do you sell the baby shoes? I will have to keep them in mind! Adorable card.

  3. This is sooooo cute!! Love the snail and the buttons and colour combo.


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