Sunday, September 26, 2010

Journey *SFYTT*

So, you may be wondering where I have been. Let me rewind a few days and I will tell you. Friday night I was exhausted, but knew I needed to make this week's SFYTT card. I would have tried to get it done earlier, but I was busy all week creating the invitations for the baby shower I am throwing. I am finally done with them, but guess what? I completely forgot to photograph them. I was so excited to finally be done with all 43; they were dry and ready to mail or be delivered, so I stuffed them in envelopes. I suppose I could create just one more and photograph it? We shall see. I will however, remember to photograph the rest of the things I make. Well...back to my story. Like I said, I was tired, so I decided to make my card first thing Saturday morning. I laid in bed and watched TV and all of a sudden the "Electrolux" commercial came on with Kelly Rippa throwing laundry magically into her children's bedrooms, when my eye spied something cute. I was trying to rewind it because on her daughter's dresser there was a framed piece of art that completely inspired me. I wasn't tired anymore! I was ready to go create my card!

I jumped up and my husband asked what I was doing. I said I was off to make my card as he scratched his head because 2 seconds earlier I was soooooooo tired! Go figure! Anyway, I got to work. I had also wanted to incorporate another inspiration that I had the other day when I was cutting a tag off of my daughter's new jeans. Retail tags, especially ones hanging from denim, have inspired me quite a bit over the years and this one was no exception. It was from some "Epic Threads" jeans from Macy's if you are interested.
So, I infused the two inspiring ideas only to come up with a creation that I was less than thrilled about. I fussed and mussed for over an hour, only getting more tired. I decided to call it a night and start over in the morning. Well....Saturday mornings don't always go the way I want them to, especially when my son has a noon football game. The night before, he got completely drenched after practice with an orange Slurpee, which meant I needed to clean his jersey again. So...laundry, breakfast, baby, etc. You get the picture, I am sure!
My card got pushed to the back burner and the day wore on. So here we are Sunday afternoon and I decided to "make it work" as Tim Gunn would say! I don't know if I did, but I really liked the initial concept I was going for. Everything always looks better with fresh eyes, too. I think I may "revisit" my original inspiration and see if I can make some tweaks.

The stamps are a combo of PTI and SU! I was excited to use some of my dusty "Crushed Curry" paper that I got last year from SU!, but rarely use. I actually really love the color and it worked really nicely with the gray. You won't want to miss the other gals creations:
Jen Del Muro and Tori Wild
Amy Rohl
Susan Liles
Amy Sheffer
Leigh O' Brien,
Jenn Diercks,
Amber Hight
Megan Lock
Sony Christoph
Jodi Collins
Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. Oh wow, Kelly--this is just gorgeous!! I love your story and am so "with you" when it comes to getting a burst of energy from a piece of inspiration! This is just fun, fresh and fantastic!!

  2. love this!! now i have to go find the electrolux commercial on youtube!

  3. Wow! This is gorgeous! Love the gray and yellow color combo, the layers and butterfly!

  4. I feel your pain :) Life just "is" sometimes LOL! I just love this card and am glad you were inspired! Great coloru combo and use of the sketch and I"m loving that butterfly!

  5. This is just beautiful - I love curry and gray! You were definitely inspired!

  6. Wow! This is absolutely stunning! Love the colours and layers!

  7. What a gorgeous color combination--I'm inspired to give it a try. Love your beautiful card!

  8. This is just GORGEOUS! Found it doing a google search of basic grey - lol! Love the sketch & colors SO MUCH!


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