Saturday, February 20, 2010

SFYTT Slacker!

Sorry guys! I had the best of intentions about getting my card done! I am still planning on making a card, but it will probably be done tomorrow. Even though I don't have a card, you will definitely want to check out the others. Also, don't forget about Jen's big give-away! You can see what fabulous stuff is up for grabs in the photo! How fun!!!!!

Jen Del Muro and Mona
Amy Rohl
Susan Liles and Amy Sheffer ,
Leigh O' Brien!!!!! Thanks for fluttering by!

1 comment:

  1. I love your card! and the cookies sound wonderful! I'll check back later to see how everything is going. And yes, Rowan, is all you need to say. They are a bundle of joy and God sent. But very time demanding. Rest, and then bake!


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