Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Alive...don't worry! LOL!

Hello! I am sure many of you have wondered where I have been! I have been here, just super busy getting ready for Christmas and all. I am sure you all know what I am saying! I will be stamping later today...just have to get some *must do* items off my list! Thanks for understanding! I was able to get most of my jam gussied up in fabric, ribbon and tags. I still have a few bottles left to do, but for the most part, I am on the home stretch. I decided back in June to make some Jam for neighbor gifts and then I made some more in September/October. I have had it made for so long, yet I left it to the last minute to get decorated. I sat and worked on this last night after I got the kids to bed. Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. Oh yummy! They look so wonderful all decorated up Kelly! You have some lucky friends and neighbours!
    Happy Holidays!

  2. Oh, how sweet and yummy! Cheers to you for planning for the holidays so far in advance!

  3. Move over Martha! So darling with the tags and the fabric and the fact that you made the jam! You just do it all don't you? Wahoo!!


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