Saturday, August 16, 2008

Clearfield Thunder!!!

My son had his first Football game today! 32-6 Clearfield! It was awesome seeing my son playing and having such a great game! He looked so cute with the black under his eyes and decked out in his game day uniform! I am sure he would be freaking out if he knew I just used the word "cute" to describe him! LOL!
I also decided to show you a card back from my days in the Dirty Dozen. I am sure I am breaking some kind of rules or something, but I decided to show it to you anyway to follow the football theme. I really wanted to make a new card, but I am too tired. Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. I'm not sure if I've ever left you a comment here but I sure love your blog! This card is WONDERFUL! To heck with the rules!! tee hee...

    Really - your work is amazing, and OMG he is so cute!! Don't tell him I said that!!

  2. Your card is awesome and your son is cute for sure.

    God bless

  3. Can we all say cloned? He is adorable and I swear, I see a faint resemblance............LOL>\
    Who says there are rules? Let's make a new rule for cards. Post it if you like it. I love it!

  4. Hi neighbor! (I'm in Layton) Linked over to ya from Paper Pleasing Ideas & gotta tell ya, I love that card! It's so hard to make for boys (I know, I have 3). He's so happy in that pic - congrats on the landslide!


Thanks for leaving me a comment! I really appreciate them!