Tuesday, April 15, 2008

For a Friend!

I made this card back in February early March for a friend's birthday, but ended up making something else for her in the end. I never got around to posting it and I thought I would share it with you tonight since I haven't shared a creation in a few days. I hesitated getting this Bali Breeze DS paper, but broke down (of course) and I am so glad that I did. The colors and patterns are fabulous. I have decided that instead of hoarding, I am going to use my pattern papers while they are new and fresh. I usually use them, but end up buying *extras* for later. Well...later usually never comes and I end up with a lot of stuff. I think this way I won't feel guilty buying new stuff, because I have already used my stash. I have used almost every piece of my Summer Picnic paper and have loved every minute. There will always be something cuter, something better coming along, so why not have fun right now? Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. Kelly, this Bali Breeze card is lovely! I love how you combined the dp AND stamps! So very well done!

    I'm with you on the dp! I've got it coming out of my ears, and am determined to USE it instead of hoarding it!

  2. Wow...this is gorgeous !!! Hmmmm....I need to take a closer look at this set, it's beautiful !

  3. Hmmm. A beautiful card AND some interesting DP philosophy! What a post!


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