Wednesday, January 8, 2020

SugarPea Designs Mix it Up Challenge #63 {Brrr.....}

It's my turn to use this month's SugarPea Designs Mix it Up Challenge! Let me just add that this was one of the MOST difficult cards for me to photograph! LOL!, lonely photo! Between the black, green, and brown it proved difficult, but ironically,  I really love how the card turned out!

As you can see, I chose to use the sketch and the colors for today's card. I felt the colors exuded a bit of cozy warmth so I created this Brrr....card to give a sense of warmth in the chill of January!
Don't forget to play along for your chance to win a $50 gift certificate to the shop!
I used the Buffalo Check Background stamp and the Hey Winter stamp set paired with the Meadow Motifs to create today's card! Thanks for fluttering by!


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