Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Our life together is {Off the Charts}

The big "Love" day is quickly approaching! Are you ready? I hope so, but if not, I've got a fun Valentine's Day card idea to share with you! I'm over on the SugarPea Designs Blog today with all of the details!

I made this for my husband and I had to laugh while making it because on any typical day it could read: Our life together is off the charts...CRAZY, HECTIC, CHAOTIC, LOUD! LOL! With 5 crazy and busy kids it's like a 3 ring circus over here! I hope we aren't the only ones! For my card, I chose to use the very clever Off the Charts set, which is PERFECT for a Valentine's Day design and paired it with the ever adorable Eskimo Kisses and its companion SugarCuts.

The Sugar and Spice Paper Pad was a perfect fit for this card as well! Head over to the blog to see how I made this! Thanks for fluttering by!

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