Friday, April 1, 2016

Spring Daffodils

 Happy April! You might think this post could be part of an April Fool's Day joke, but's really me! My daughter came to me this morning with a horrified attitude and exclaimed that the last time I posted was in September of 2015! That is horrifying! LOL! Anyway, excuses aside, I am pleased to share a little spring creation with you. My daffodils are in full bloom and I thought this stamp would be the best choice for a few cheerful spring greetings!

 I got a really sweet email last week from a reader (hello!) asking me if I was okay. You really have no idea how much that meant to me and I promise I have intentions of replying. Thank you, thank you! I have been great and busy taking care of my sweet family. This year, with a preschooler and a kindergartner, have made things tricky with having any real length of time to get stuff done. I am constantly watching the clock to make sure I drop off and pick up at the right time. So...blogging has been put on the back burner, or better yet, taken off the stove altogether! Ha ha!

I chose to use lots of my favorite things on today's design; doily, sewing, vellum, sequins and baker's twine. Oh, and of course, coloring! I hope these cheer up their recipients! Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. So very happy to see you back! I love your creations and have greatly missed them. This card is no exception; absolutely gorgeous!

  2. I just checked your blog this morning because I was thinking about you and wondering if you'd posted lately. Now, this afternoon there's a lovely post! :) Just beautiful. Both of my boys have the same preschool schedule, but it still feels like I'm watching the clock all day! LOL

  3. A preschooler and kindergartner?!?!? wow, how did that happen? seems like only yesterday that they were wee tiny babies. it's a beautiful card, as always. glad all is well with you and the family.

  4. Was so happy to see your post today - I actually flipped past it and realized you were back. So glad everything is okay and I agree with Sharon - I can't believe your babies are that old. Love the card - beautiful as always!

  5. I was so thrilled to get the email today that you posted!! I too, was really missing your wonderful creations, but didn't want to bother you, as I really felt like it was family that was taking your time . . . as it should be!! However, that in no way negates the fact that I was so happy you posted, and just LOVE the card! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love your spring card and I'm so glad to hear from you. I love your blog and have missed it but totally understand duties of a busy mom of young children. Hope you have time to post occasionally, because you are so talented. Happy Spring!!!

  7. Kelly - I'd love to know where that stamp "Spring Seeds" came from, that you stamped on kraft cardstock and has the little "window" . . . THANKS! Janice

  8. I believe that Seed envelope is from Papertrey. As always when I see one of your cards, I am now thinking I shoulda got it! Wonderful to see this post, but I certainly remember the days of kindergarden and how busy they can be! Enjoy your family and hope they are all doing well! Thanks also for sharing!

  9. Yes you have most certainly been missed. Glad to see you are back. As pretty as ever. Thanks


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