Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Orange Chocolate Logs

I thought today would be a perfect baking day, since it is cold and snowy. I laid Rowan down for his morning nap, got dinner going in the crockpot and started making these yummy cookies. I thought I would never make them again after making 12 dozen of them for a cookie exchange a few Chrismases ago, but my card inspired me to make them and they really are good. They are a shortbread-ish cookie, but with orange flavor and chocolate.

After I was done dipping them and sampled one (well, maybe a few), I was wishing that I had dipped them a little farther down with chocolate, so that more of the cookie would be covered. The orange mixed with the chocolate is the best.

Of course I had to create some "packaging" for these cookies. I am always doing the bag and tag and thought I would box them up instead. They will be inside of a cello bag inside the box, though, so that the box won't get greasy. This is another one of my *go-to* boxes that I always use. I used the same supplies as the card, which is on the post below. The recipe is from "The Lion House Christmas Cook Book" which is a favorite of mine and has quite a few of the recipes that my family likes the best.

Since it is Wednesday, and Rowan is 5 Weeks old today, I thought I would share a picture from today's photo shoot. He has started smiling and I was determined to get a photo to share, but he wouldn't cooperate. This one is mighty nice, though. He is such a cutie and a sweetheart and I can't imagine our lives without him.


  1. Ok. Well first I have to comment on Rowan! Oh I just want to hug him! What an adorable picture and handsome little guy he is! TFS! And your cookies and box are just delightful! Orange and chocolate....yum! You have been one busy mom today. Hugs, Judi

  2. Lovely picture of Rowan.
    The cookies look delicious and the box you made if beautiful.

  3. You're cookies sound yummy! I love the colors in your card and box and those patterned papers!!

    And Rowan is so snuggly sweet! I'm 28 wks along with our little girl and I am so envious that you can hug on Rowan now - LOL! I don't know how I'm going to wait another 12 wks :0)

  4. What a cutie, I wanna big {hug}! Love the set - so yummy!

  5. Love all of it Kelly- the card, the box, the cookies and the baby! Can't believe you can get this much done with a 5 week old around!

  6. Thanks for sharing that recipe! They look delicious!! Going to have to try it out :D Baby Rowan is adorable. I love when they are young and can't focus too far away yet so they seem to just be staring out into space. Thrilled you have him as part of your family - give him a snuggle for me :D

  7. I love seeing the photos of the baby, Kelly . . just more "wonderful things to look at" on your site . . . a fan!! Janice

  8. Oh what a sweetheart!! LOVE that pic and those cookies/box are divine!!!

  9. The cookies remind me of ones my mom used to yummy but they seemed like a lot of work. Here you are with a new baby tackling them so I have no excuse! Love the cards too! :)

  10. Your little guy is gorgeous....nice eyes!!!!! I loved your post....will have to make some of those cookies...wish I had some now LOL....and loved your nice is that for a presentation with yummy cookies to boot.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Laurie VF

  11. Oh how I love the pictures of Rowan. Your cookies look fabulous. And to have them packaged in such an adorable box. That is luxury!!! It is so-o-o-o darn cute. Naturegirl

  12. Love the whole set. I am so in love with that paper too. Is that a current K&Co paper line?
    Rowan is absolutely adorable. :D

  13. He is sooo cute! :)
    The cookies sound wonderful! I will definitly have to try that! Your box is lovely too, of course. :) TFS!

  14. That boy is just too cute! If you ask me, he is begging for a cuddle :)
    Your cookies look devine and the box is not too shabby either.

  15. Rowan is so adorable!! Thanks for the recipe for those cookies! They look delicious. Your box is fantastic.

  16. Such a gorgeous picture of Rowan. He's too cute!
    The cookies and box are great - definitely going to have to try that recipe, orange and chocolate is one of my favourite combinations!

  17. Great job!!! Love the paper u used, as always.
    Adorable picture.

  18. Domestic Diva for sure!!!! Baby, baking, amaze me! Your cookies look scrumptious, the cards and box are to die for, and Rowan is such a little doll!!! I'm so happy for you!!!

    Diva Hugs to You My Friend,


  19. Oh what a darling little boy. I want to hug him. Orange and chocolate, I can't wait to try them. Would you please consider sharing your pattern for your box or could you tell me where to get it. I love your blog. Rowan is a adorable boy! please email me.


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