Saturday, October 25, 2008

Vintage Dreamer

Of course I had to play along with Jen Del Muro's Saturday sketch. I played last week and had a blast, so I decided to check it out again today. The sketch, which you can check out here: worked perfeclty with some of the great stamps from TJ Designs which can be found at . Over the years I have been fortunate to be able to work on several publications that she has put out as well as her current design team. Now she has her own line of stamps that are AMAZING!!!! I love the deeply etched rubber, but that they are unmounted and easily applied to acrylic blocks without mounting tape. Just grab, stamp and go! I also used the fabulous paper from her line as well called "The European Collection". The whole collection has great patterns and a full section absolutely full of ephemra for those extra touches that make your projects pop! I think I veered a little from the sketch, but I certainly had fun making this card. I added some chunky glitter (surprise) to some of the images to add that vintage flair. I used quite a bit of different paper, so I opted to only use buttons and ribbon for the embellishments so that it wouldn't feel too heavy.
We have all recovered from the long drive home from California and I am catching up on laundry. I took it easy yesterday and watched all of the shows I missed from being away. My feet were killing me from so much walking, but I think they have finally recovered. I used so many bandaids on my feet throughout the trip... I think I left a trail of them all over Disneyland. LOL! Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. OH MY GOSH I love this card! I just visited Tweety Jill and I want them all! LOL Kelly, thanks so much for sharing your works. I don't get to visit and comment as often as I'd like, but I hope to be able to do more soon.
    Susan F. (PSU_Mom)

  2. Oh, WOW, Kelly! This is such a totally gorgeous vintage card--great job as always!


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