Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chain of Love

I decided to get the creative juices flowing today by heading over to SCS to participate in the Inspiration Challenge. I always love this challenge, because it gets the creative wheels turning, especially if they are a little rusty, like mine! LOL! You can check out the challenge here . I loved the birds on the pillows, but decided to go with a sihouette stamp and white ink. I took the colors from the pillows and the clean design to incorporate into my card. I was in the mood to use a lot of embellishments, but restrained myself to keep with the mood of the inspiration piece. I haven't been over to SCS for some time so this was fun to do. I was also excited to be able to use this new "Inspired by Nature" stamp set that I recieved at convention, but it hasn't seen ink since. LOL! Actually, a lot of my new SU! sets haven't seen ink recently and that is going to change. So...keep posted for some new creations! Thanks for fluttering by!


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