Wednesday, June 4, 2008

*Sneak Peek* Farm Chick

Here is another card using the upcoming release from The Saltbox Studio; "Hen and Chicks". I also used "A Basket Celebration" which works perfectly with this new set. I know I have said this a hundred times...but one of the things I like so much about The Saltbox Studio is how well all of the other images work so well together. I have had a lot of fun mixing images from other sets to create my samples. Again, the other DT girls have made some awesome creations. I love seeing what they will come up with. Today is rainy and wet, so I think it may be a perfect "shopping" day to pick up some Blog Candy! How does that sound? Look for it tomorrow, as well as a fun announcement!!! Thanks for fluttering by!


  1. This is so cute! I'm not a 'farm' girl but I really love this!

  2. I love this!! So cute and country, it speaks to me!!LOL

  3. Your card is so cute, love how all the colors work so well together.
    God bless

  4. I love the colors on this one. Adorable card!

  5. Oh my goodness - I've already bought two SBS sets because of your awesome cards! I can't wait to get the chicks set!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your awesome work!!!

  6. Oh gosh, I love the colors that you used on this card! LOONEY love it (which is special, crazy in love! LOL!)

  7. You are making me think I need these........Of coourse, I do need these, so that isn't hard. Such cute cards and image.

  8. You requested comments so here is mine: I love your site, your sharing and your quotes. Of course, right now, I think we have grown too fond of this war......Love our boys but want them home. Love your cards, the fat that you share so much of yourself and that you put yourself out there.


Thanks for leaving me a comment! I really appreciate them!