Saturday, March 29, 2008

Card Tin

I decided to make a card tin and coordinating cards for my MIL for one of her Birthday gifts. She has 6 boys, so her life has been pretty much baseball, football, wrestling, etc. I have always tried to do *girly* things for her and this year is no exception. I chose a coordinating line of pattern paper by Treehouse Memories; this collection is Library. I used the same collection for the cards as well. I decided to upload my favorite card from the collection. This card features a lot of styled silver hodgepodge hardware and could easily be adapted to use SU! designer series paper. I have dropped my entire container of styled silver hodgepodge hardware TWICE!!! You think I would learn!!! So....since picking up every piece TWICE...I realized that I am hoarding it and there is A LOT of each piece. I have loved using it. Maybe next time I spill it there won't be as much to pick up! LOL! Thanks for fluttering by!

P.S. Starting tomorrow if time permits, I will be starting a new *series* on my blog. Stay tuned to find out more!!!!


  1. This is such a nice gift. i am sure that she will love it!

  2. Love your tin and card, Kelly! This sentiment stamp is my all time favorite from SU! this year, and I love it in black Ü

    LOL on your HPH dropsies...I've also done that but not for quite some time...oops, hope I didn't just jinx myself!

    BTW, still haven't mailed your TY, ugh!

  3. Great Job!!!! I love the paper. What a great gift. I'm sure she will love it.

  4. Your gift for your MIL is beautifully done!

  5. Where's you go? I keep looking for the new series. I hope everything is ok.

  6. Adorable card and tin, Kelly!

  7. The tin is adorable. What a great set.


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